Using online technologies can create a large reduction in your marketing budget. New opportunities in viral marketing, social networking, and other approaches solely found on the internet offers access to customer groups that were previously unreachable. It is not just advertising via broadcast email and search engines. E-marketing has marketing routes that simply are not there in traditional marketing. Different from typical marketing methodologies, the internet’s advantage is that your prospects and your customers can be included in the marketing mix of your business at any time of the day, at any place in the world.

One main benefit of e-marketing is that its impacts are quantifiable. In this article, we discuss the main principles, tips, and best practices of e-marketing.Į-marketing includes of the main principles of traditional marketing but with a couple of differentiating characteristics. It is unsurprising, then, that businesses have been moving more and more of their marketing resources online. This would mean that you could reach millions of people around the world. You have to realize, whether you are a business with a physical presence or work completely online, marketing in the internet is something you have to work with and put to your advantage. You may use direct or indirect marketing features on the internet to connect your company to new customers, retain present customers, and build a brand identity.Į-marketing, through online tools and resources, can be used by your company via direct emails, blogs, SMS or text messaging, web pages, videos, banners, pictures, advertisements (like pay per click, display or social media advertising), search engine optimization, social media, affiliate marketing, and many more.Īlthough there are many tools used in e-marketing, you can choose to go into many or all of its activities, according to your company’s goals, product types, business capacity, target market, and other criteria related to your decision making processes.Į-marketing is important for your business because when it is executed properly, the ROI or return on investment can be greater than more traditional marketing strategies. When we talk about modern communication technology, this is electronic media, more known as the internet (in the realm of e-marketing, the terms of online marketing and internet marketing are usually interchangeable).Į-marketing focuses on marketing your company online.

E-marketing is the mix of modern communication technology and traditional principles that marketers usually apply.